When two PD Summit In-Person tickets are purchased together in one transaction, an automatic $59 discount is deducted at check-out. Follow these steps for this discount to be applied.

  1. Select In-Person Admission. Fill out the registrant information
  2. Click "Add Another Registrant."
  3. Select In-Person Admission again. Once this is clicked, the discount is added to the cart. 
  4. Complete the form and check-out. 

This discount will not apply to Virtual Admission and Digital Conference Manuals. 


  • This includes an in-person registration and all the perks, like live Q&As, worship, swag bags, and more!

  • This cost covers an individual viewer and one digital manual. You can add one additional viewer (spouse/friend) and digital manual for them for $49 by clicking "Add Another Registrant" after completing this section.

Registrant Info

I understand that Pure Desire will email or text me information regarding the Pure Desire Summit 2025.


Click the "Add Another Registrant" button to register additional people. 

If not, continue on to the Billing Information section. 

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software